General oversight of the scholarship fund, website content, communications, donations, ticket sales and tax information.
The entire scholarship fund would not be possible without all the friends and families that assist us by donating. Many purchase and sell tickets as we now have groups of all sizes. Many individuals even help with the ticket delivery process to avoid the possibility of any tickets getting lost in transit.
Jessica Brown
Julia R. Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School
Kim Seibert
Julia R. Masterman Home & School Association
Ivan P. Joseph
The Masterman School Foundation
1699 Spring Garden Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130
We have been working with the Phillies for over 10 years, since the opening of the new Citizens Bank Ballpark. We have grown to a combined group of 1,000 fans attending each year. The "Night at the Phillies" is a joint event with the Bella Vista Neighbors Association (BVNA) and then adding the John H. Smyth Scholarship Fund (JHS Fund) in 2009. It is a separate fundraising opportunity for each organization. On average each year, BVNA has sold over 250 Phillies tickets and the JHS Fund has sold over 750 Phillies tickets.
The Phillies work hard to ensure that we have a group date each year along with our rebate/discount. This annual event allows us to sell Phillies tickets at face value and the group receives the rebate/discount. Typically, we have been able to earn $8 from each ticket.
You never realize how much work goes into running an organization and/or events until you are in the hot seat. We cannot begin to thank Ric Hayman for assisting us from the very beginning, to make sure we had a basic IT and event planning operation. For years we administered everything ourselves. Over the course of the last several years, Scott Fichter of Blue Fox Creative has enhanced our website and other marketing material, along with the Smyth/Waitsman family who now have some seasonal support to handle our eNewsletter, database, content management, planning, seating chart, ticket packaging and internal accounting.